
Comparison of 2 Plush Doll Stands Available at 100 Yen Shops in Japan! [Seria/Can★Do]


When taking photos of plush dolls, have you ever tried to make them stand using nearby objects?

Some plush dolls, depending on their material, are so slippery that even leaning them against a wall is challenging!

In such cases, a plush doll stand becomes handy.
There are various types of plush doll stands available, but which one is the most user-friendly?

This time, I found two types of plush doll stands available at 100 yen shops and compared them!

What is a Plush Doll Stand?

A plush doll stand is a tool used to display or photograph plush dolls.
It’s convenient when you want to take cute photos of plush dolls that can’t stand on their own!

For those who enjoy “plushie activities” or “plushie photography,” it’s highly recommended to use a plush doll stand to capture adorable shots of your favorite dolls!

Purchased Plush Doll Stands

This time, I found the following two types of plush doll stands at 100 yen shops.

I purchased them at Can★Do, but they were also available at Seria. Both stores had them in the “Fan activities” section!

Product name

  • My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P (Izumi Kasei Co., Ltd.)
    マイコレ ぬいぐるみスタンド2P(和泉化成 株式會社)
  • Plush Doll Stand (Yamada Chemical Co., Ltd.)
    ぬいぐるみスタンド(山田化学 株式会社)
Front of the package for two types of plush doll stands
Back of the package for two types of plush doll stands

My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P

Front of the package for My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P

This product comes with two identical stands.
It’s convenient when you want to display two plush dolls side by side!

My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P taken out of the package

Inside the package, the back plate and base are integrated, with the base having a diameter of 4.9 cm, making it quite compact.

My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P with the back panel removed
My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P with the back panel attached to the base

To use, remove the back plate from the base and insert it into the base.

Note that the initial assembly might require some force, but it becomes smoother with repeated use.

Additionally, its thin and compact design makes it easy to carry.
The base has grooves that can catch the plush doll’s feet, enhancing stability.

Plush Doll Stand

Front of the package for the plush doll stand
Plush doll stand taken out of the package

This is a bendable stand, sold individually.
It’s sturdy enough to support larger plush dolls.

Bent plush doll stand

You can bend it at your preferred position, and adjusting the angle is easy.
It has the right balance of flexibility and firmness, making it easy to bend yet stable.

Trying to Stand Various Plush Dolls


First, I tried to stand a “Fuwakororin” plush doll, approximately 9 cm tall, without any clothing gaps.
Using the My Colle plush doll stand, despite the doll’s thickness, the stand could support it steadily.

My Colle plush doll stand supporting a FuwaKororin plush

From the front, the stand isn’t visible, which is aesthetically pleasing.

However, using the bendable plush doll stand, the doll’s slippery surface made it challenging to support, and it tended to tilt.

Bent plush doll stand supporting a FuwaKororin plush

While adjustments can help, it’s not highly recommended.

Pugyutto Plush Doll

Next is the “Pugyutto” plush doll, about 13 cm tall.

My Colle plush doll stand supporting a Pugyutto plush

With the My Colle stand, inserting the back plate into the doll’s clothing provides added stability.

Bent plush doll stand supporting a Pugyutto plush

Using the bendable stand, similarly inserting it into the clothing allows the doll to stand firmly.
The stand isn’t visible from the front, making it great for photography.


Finally, I tried supporting a much larger “SKZOO PLUSH ORIGINAL Ver.” plush doll, approximately 21.5 cm tall.

My Colle plush doll stand supporting an SKZOO PLUSH ORIGINAL Ver. plush

A single My Colle stand couldn’t support it, but using two stands inserted into each pant leg allowed the doll to stand.

Bent plush doll stand supporting an SKZOO PLUSH ORIGINAL Ver. plush

With the bendable stand, the doll also stood firmly, and the stand isn’t visible from the front, providing an excellent effect.

For larger plush dolls, the bendable stand seems more suitable.

When You Want to Suspend the Plush Doll for Photography

Using a plush doll stand as a photography stick

When you want to photograph the plush doll with a background without your hand appearing in the shot, you can insert the bendable stand into the doll’s clothing and use it as a shooting stick.

Recommended Plush Doll Stands

After comparing the two types of 100 yen plush doll stands, I found both to be useful.
Depending on the shape of the plush doll, you can choose the appropriate stand, or have both on hand for different situations.

Both are compact and easy to carry.

My Colle Plush Doll Stand is recommended for:

  • Smaller plush dolls (up to about 13 cm)
  • Plush dolls without clothing gaps

Bendable Plush Doll Stand is recommended for:

  • Larger plush dolls
  • When you want to suspend the doll for photography
  • When you prefer the stand not to be visible from the front

Detail of Plush Doll Stands

Product name, size

My Colle Plush Doll Stand 2P

Quantity: 2 pieces
Size: 4.9×4.9×4.8 cm
Suitable plush dolls size: Approximately 10–12 cm tall

Plush Doll Stand

Size: Approximately 7×7×305 mm


Each is priced at 110 yen, tax included.

Where to Buy

Both products were available at both Seria and Can★Do, so check your nearest 100 yen shop!

Note: Availability may vary by store.


How was the comparison of plush doll stands?

Both stands are compact and portable, making them useful for plush photography in various locations!
Since they are only 100 yen, you can buy both and use them depending on the shape of your plush doll.

They are very convenient and easy to use, so it’s recommended to carry a stand along with your plush when taking it out!

If you’re interested, be sure to check them out!
